7th 2021
Trip #5
was Fabulous
At 69 years
old I decided to go to a nudist camp. I always wanted to go to one so on May
26th 2015 I decided to go to Sun Rays Hills nudist camp in Wisconsin. It was a
blast and I was hooked on being a nudist. I just fell in love with being able
to walk around outside under the sun totally naked. I went three more times
after that in July 11th 2015, June 18th 2016 and in August 22nd, 2017. You can
read all 4 of my trip reports on them that I have saved.
I don’t know why I didn’t go in 2018. I think it was
because it was a cool summer and I hate being naked and cold but I remember
saying to myself, “I’m going to the nudist camp this year 2019. But that was
not to be. On March 22nd I came down with Bell’s Palsy. That
paralyzed the whole right side of my face. I looked like I had stroke. It was
terrible and that lasted for 8 months. I so wanted to go back to the nudist
camp though but I would have to wait until the summer of 2020. But in March of
2020 the Covid Virus struck and they gave everybody a stay at home order.
“SHIT,” was I ever mad about that. We had to wear masks for the next year and a
half. I never got the virus but in June I came down with what they call 3rd
Nerve Palsy. It paralyzed my right eye and it gave me double vision.
I am getting
older now and I want to have as much fun as possible with the time I have left.
In 2021 they lifted the mask mandates and everything was getting back to
normal. So in August of this year of 2021, I was determined to go to a nudist
The owners of
Sun Ray Hill nudist camp had sold their nudist camp to a rock quarry company.
“NOOOOOOOOOOO,” I screamed when I saw that.
So I went on
the internet and saw one called “Lake O’ the Woods,” family nudist club in
Valparaiso, Indiana. I had heard good reviews of this nudist club before but I
had never been there. I looked it up on Google Earth and found that it took 1 ½
hours to get there. That was about the same amount of time it took to get to
Sun Ray Hills in Wisconsin.
So on
August 7th 2021 at the age of 76, I got out of bed at 7am. “Oh man,
I just want to go back to sleep,” I said to myself but I’ve been through this
before and once I get going I am OK. I packed a cooler with pop, sandwich and
some pretzel rods and off I went. I had the GPS set up in my car so I didn’t
have to worry about getting lost. It was all tollways all the way there.
After an hour
and a half my GPS said, “You have arrived at you destination.” I was at a gate
and I saw a telephone. It said to dial a number and then this woman answered. I
told her, “This is my first time and I want to join.” She said, “Come to the office
and sign in.” “OK,” I replied and the Iron Gate bar rose up and I went in.
Right away I made a right turn and saw all of these naked people. “OH COOL,” I
said. There was this small parking lot where I parked my car. I really didn’t
know where the office was. All I could see were all these naked people playing
in the swimming pool. I saw a building beyond that so I headed for it. Sitting
right outside of the club house was this naked woman sitting at this desk. “Can
I help you,” she asked. “I would like to sign in.” I sat down at the desk and
at first all I could see was her breasts. I know one of the rules is not to
stare so I made an effort to look straight at her face as she was talking. She
asked me for my driver’s license for identification. When I pulled out my wallet
I couldn’t find my driver’s license. “Holy Cow,” I can’t find it. I was totally
freaking out. I looked further and found an ID card I got from the Divers
License place and gave it to her. “That will do,” she said but I was still
freaking out about my driver’s license. I answered all her questions and paid
her $50 for the day visit. This man was standing right in back of me as I stood
up. He handed me a map of the nudist club and a copy of the rules of the club
and went over them with me. He was pointing to show me where everything was.
This was the first time I got to look at what was around me.

The club house where we were looked over this
beautiful lake that was sounded by 200 acres of wooded forest. He told me, “There
is a mile and an half of trails that you can explore that goes all around the
lake.” “Oh that’s the first thing I want to do,” I told him. He pointed to the
entrance to the trails. It was kind of hidden so I am glad he told me where it
started or I would never have found it.

He told me that
there were two spots that you have to cover up because it is exposed to the
local street but there are signs that tell you when to do it. He showed me on
the map he gave me. “Just take your towel with you,” he said. “OK,” I said. He
told me lunch is served at 11:30. I had just arrived at 11:00 and I wasn’t
interested in eating besides I had my cooler in my car if I got hungry. Both
the woman and the man were extremely friendly. I loved that because I had some
problems with one of the owners of the Sun Ray Hills nudist camp in Wisconsin
back a few years ago and he almost spoiled my whole day before I even begun, I
almost walked away and went home. I was happy that I came here to Lake O’ the
Woods in Valparaiso.
After he
finished telling me everything he said, “Have Fun.” With a smile, I went to my
car and got undressed. “Oh this is fabulous,” I said to myself. It was sunny
and in the 80’s and I was now totally naked and free to walk around. The first
thing I wanted to do was walk on the trails through the forest that surrounded
the lake. I entered the spot where the man told me the trail started. It was a
small narrow trail that had some steep inclines. I am glad that I was in shape
after exercising all these 26 years after I had my heart attack. But as I was
walking through the forest I kept worrying about my driver’s license and it was
spoiling everything. Finally I said to myself, “Stop worrying about the
driver’s license and enjoy walking through this beautiful forest in the nude.
Luckily I talked to myself early on and I was starting to enjoy walking naked
through the forest. I was half way around the lake when I saw two beautiful
deer. They saw me and leaped off into the woods.

You don’t
know how gorgeous it was walking through forest in the nude unless you where
there with me. One of the things that I was really aware of was the silence. It
was so quit. It was fabulous. I was so happy that I didn’t miss out on this
experience. There were signs along the way that told you were to go so you wouldn’t
get lost. Near the end of my mile and a half walk through the forest I had to
cover up because I was at a spot where people can see you from the local
street. I never saw any cars going by and it was just a short distance and then
I unwrapped my towel and got nude again. I had been alone in the forest except
at the end when one guy ran by me. “How are you doing,” he asked. “I’m doing
pretty good,” I told him.
I crossed a small
bridge and I was back at the nudist club.
When I got
back they were still serving lunch outside on a couple of grills. “You want
something to eat,” this one man asked. “Yeah, I’ll have a hot dog,” I told him.
“That will be a dollar,” this woman said. I was surprised. I thought it was
free since I paid $50 to get in to the nudist club but it was no big deal. I
told her, “I’d have to go to my car to get some money.” I don’t know why I
ordered a hot dog. I haven’t had one ever since I had my heart attack. It was
one of those foot long hot dogs. It was really hot when I bit into it but it
was good. I had brought one of my cokes back with me when I went to get my
money. When I was on the trails in the forest my stomach started to growl so
the hot dog hit the spot.
There was
this picnic table right next to the beach on the lake so I sat down and started
eating. It felt so wonderful sitting there outside in the nude having lunch
while I looked out over the lake. Some people were sailing on what I can only described
as a wide looking surf board. They were standing up on it using a double sided paddle,
paddling around in the middle of the lake in the nude. I thought about trying
it but I decided not to.
Since this
was a family nudist club, I wasn’t surprised to see that a couple of parents
brought their kids with them. They were in the lake just having a ball playing. I
only wished that my parents would have raised me as a nudist. I remember one
night back around 1982 when I was married, my wife and I went over to see my
dad who was living alone in an apartment. We got to talking and my father told
us, “The one thing I never got to do was to go to a nudist camp.” “Well why don’t
you go then,” we told him. My wife and I had been talking about going to one at
the time and I even had a list of the nudist camps around the area. I told him
that I would send him the list so he could go. About a year later I asked him
if he went and he told us, “No.” 10 years later he was dead. My wife and I
never did go to one either. In 2015 I was writing down my memories and I thought
of this story about my Dad. I didn’t want to end up not ever having gone to a
nudist camp like my Dad so that year in 2015 I made my first trip to a nudist
camp and it was fabulous. I just wish my Mom and Dad would have started
taking us to one when we were little kids.
I finished my
lunch and I started thinking about my driver’s license again. It was starting to
spoil my day. So after I ate I went back to my car and looked through my wallet
again. “THERE IT IS!!!” I yelled out. When I was first checking in at the desk
with that naked woman, I guess I got distracted. Anyway I was thrilled that I found
I decided to
check out the swimming pool. All the naked guys and gals had a volleyball game
going. I’m not much into that so I just watched them as I got into the pool. Oh
the water feels so good when you are nude. I swam a little and then laid out on
the lounge chair. The sun was hot so I had to get back in the pool again a couple
of times.
I was so
glad that I had gone to the nudist club. I had a blast. By 4:30 I was getting
burnt to crisp so I got dressed and drove home. I hope I get another chance to
go this summer. I like it to be in the 80’s so I don’t get cold.