Monday, June 11, 2012

Letters From Dad

 Fathers day is coming up this Sunday so I thought I would put together a tribute to my Dad that starts off with the very first letter I ever got from my Dad. He was still in the Philippines in World War 11 when I was born on Aug 5th 1945, so I didn't get to see him until I was about one year old.

Aug 29th, 1945

Hello Billy

Welcome to our happy little family and to this great big world, I haven’t met you outside of a few kicks you gave me before you entered this world but I got a picture of you today and you’re quite a little guy. I’m proud of you. As your mother had probably told you, I’m in the army now but it won’t be long until I get home and concentrate on being a good father to you. You will never remember it but you will have served a few months in the army yourself and I hope that is all you will ever serve. That is what all these men fought and died for, was to make your life and other little guys like you, have a better place to live in.

It’s all over now, so it’s up to you to make it stay good when you grow up. You have a good start in life except for having me for an old man. But with the mother and the grandparents you should be able to overcome that handicap. I promise to do everything I can to be a good father to you. So keep this letter. If I ever go astray, it’s sort of a contract. Until we meet Billy, take care of your mother for us and give her a big kiss for me, will you?
Goodnight Billy
Your Dad

P.S. I hope you like me.

April 20th 1990

Hi Bill

Been meaning to write for a long time so finally got around to it. Been so busy around here trying to get settled around after the big kitchen remodeling. I also built some big cabinets in the garage enclosed with folding doors to hide some of the junk. As you know Coletta is a pack rat and she has a big collection of junk here. However I have learned how to accept things that used to disturb me and to be happy & enjoy the life I lead.

Went fishing last week and caught over 30 code fish. Really had a good time even though it was windy & rough. We were out over two nights. Went about 100 miles out in the ocean. I never get out there in the ocean fishing that I don’t think of you & the good times we had fishing together down in Florida. Good memories!

Coletta & I went out with Ray & Lorraine for Easter dinner and had a nice time. It’s weird that Ray & I still see each other now after being friends since we were 9 years old. The four of us get together a couple of times a week. Nice to have close friends.

I’m enclosing a little something for you. Why don’t you take it and go out for a nice dinner at a good place and really enjoy yourself for an evening.
Better close for now, have to listen to “Cheers,” my favorite.

Love Ya’ much Bill
Take care

This is a letter I sent to my Dad out in California back in 1990. I am responding to his letter. He was telling me about how he would go out fishing in the ocean and the great memories it brought back of the early times in our lives, when we were all one big family:

Hi Dad

Thank You for sending the $50, that was great of you to do that. It was really nice getting your letter too. It was fun to read it.
You were talking about fishing and good memories, that’s the reason I like fishing so much. I remember You, Mom, Jeanne & me all went out together having a great time and remembering Nana. She really loved fishing with us.

I remember the last time she ever went fishing. It was the summer I stayed with her after Mom died. I kept asking Nana to come fishing at Indian Rocks Pier with me. I don’t think she was physically up to sitting all day in the sun but one day she said she wanted to go with me. We got to the pier & she stayed close to the shore. I didn’t think we could get anything so close to shore so I asked her if I could go to the end of the pier and try my luck. “Go ahead,” she said, “but you’ll be sorry.”

Well after about 30 minutes out at the end, I didn’t get a bite so I went back to see how Nana was doing. When I got there to her she held up the biggest “Snook” I’d ever seen. “I told you so,” she said. After that I stuck to her like glue. We talked & laughed and had a great time. At the end of the day she was really glad she went. She created great memories that day for her and me that would never be forgotten. What a great fisherman she was.

I think we do a lot of things that bring back good memories. That’s what I do to get me past the bad times, I think about all the good memories people have given me.

Kris and Shawn are coming to visit me June 2nd and stay for a week. That will be nice if I can keep up with them. I’m saving the $50 you sent me so we can all go out together. I’ll get some pictures & send them to you.


Dad was 76 when his life came to and end. While he was in Hospice he kept a diary of the last days of his life and what he was feeling as each day passed by. It ends abruptly 27 days before he died.

 Note: Enlarge Video to full screen and Press Pause as each page turns so that you can stop and read it.

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