Tonight is the second presidential debate. So before it starts, I want to give them a warning. We don't want to hear about your sexual lives. We want to hear the two of you discuss the issues our country.
"Hey Hillery and Trump, while you two are arguing about who screwed who, our country is going up in flames. STOP IT!!! And get on with discussing and solving the issues of this country."
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Electing a US President in Plain English
Someone asked me about this today so I thought I would post this 3:42 minute video that explains how a president is elected.
Monday, August 29, 2016
The Veterans Hospital are Getting Me New Hearing Aids
I went to Hines Veterans hospital today to have a hearing
test. They gave me hearing aids back 5 years ago. They said that I get new
hearing aids every 5 years. This time I am getting the kind with Bluetooth
technology. Now the sound on my TV and Cell phone will be directly sent to my
new hearing aids. Is that cool or what? I get them in 2 weeks. I can’t wait to
try them out.
Here is the report I sent in to the VA explaining everything
so I could get disability for hearing loss.
Reg: Hearing loss disability claim
I was assigned to the USS Constellation CVA 64 on Nov 23,
1963. I worked on the flight deck on catapult #1 as a hookup man launching jet
aircraft until a plane ran over my leg crushing it sometime in June of 1966.
While I was launching the jet aircraft on the flight deck
off the coast of Vietnam in 1965 our officer in charge told us that we had to
wear a pilot’s helmet instead of the “Protective Ears” that we had been
The first time we tried them out on our next launch we found
out that the pilots helmets we were wearing gave NO HEARING PROTECTION from the
140 to 150 disables coming from the Jet Engines. The pain was so great. It’s
hard to describe how much pain we were in. After the launch we told our
superiors about the problem but they said we had to wear the pilot’s helmet to
protect the head.
On the next launch we stuffed rags and cotton into our ears
underneath our Helmets. There was no change when the launch began. The pain was
unbearable. I knew I couldn’t go on like this, so after the launch we threw our
pilot helmets away and put our “Regular Protective Ears” back on. We didn’t
care what the officer in charge would do to us. We had to keep from going deaf.
From that day forward my ears never stopped ringing. I found
out later after I got out of the service that I had lost some hearing. I kept
trying to get help from the Veterans Hospital for my hearing loss but it took
until 2011 before they supplied me with a set of hearing aids.
“I hereby certify that the information I have given is true
to the best of my knowledge and belief,”
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Mile Pence Rebulican National Convention Speech
If you didn’t see tonight’s Republican National Convention then you really missed it.
I never knew who Mike Pence was. The only thing I knew about him was that Donald Trump picked him for his Vice President. When he came on stage I had no idea that this guy was going to totally blow me away with his speech. Now I know why Donald Trump picked him. I have come out of my shell and I am really enthusiastic about those two as a great team. I have no doubt that they will put our country back together again.
I never knew who Mike Pence was. The only thing I knew about him was that Donald Trump picked him for his Vice President. When he came on stage I had no idea that this guy was going to totally blow me away with his speech. Now I know why Donald Trump picked him. I have come out of my shell and I am really enthusiastic about those two as a great team. I have no doubt that they will put our country back together again.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
The “Do Not Call List” is a Joke
The “Do Not Call List” is a Joke
What ever
happened to the telephone? People trying to sell you stuff or trying to get you
to donate money or even your car. Most of the calls are just computers calling.
No people on the other end, just a recording. You cannot even take a nap and at
night you get calls from the other side of the world in India, something about
windows on my computer. The phone never stops ringing. I counted up the last
100 calls I got and 77 of them were pure crap calls. The “Do Not Call List” is
a joke. I just want to hear from my friends and have all the rest of it go
Sunday, March 27, 2016
I Won a Cruise to the Caribbean
March 1st 2016
What a Great Mistake
Last Friday I got this email from the casino saying that they were sending me on a Cruise. It listed a choice of several different places I could go too and the dates. I am not a high roller at the casino. So I called them to see what it was all about. They looked me up on their computer. “Oh I am sorry. You were sent that email by mistake.” “You got me all excited for nothing,” I told them and hung up the phone and deleted the email.
Well, just a few minutes ago the casino called me back and said that they will honor the free cruise to me if I still wanted. “YES!!!, I said. So this Saturday I have to go meet up with the cruise people at the casino and select the place and dates that I want to go. It’s a cruse for 2. I think I remember from the email that it was either a 5 or 7 day cruise. “WOW, , I’m going on some kind of Cruise.” I'll let you know more details after Saturday.
March 6th 2016
I went yesterday to pick up my Cruise Reward Letter at the casino. The cruise is for 7 days. I have two months to make my reservation and a year to take the cruise. They said that someone would call me in a week to let me know where I can go and the dates. That’s all I know so far. I am going to have to save up for this even though it’s a free cruise, like paying for the plane ride down to the ship. I still have to find someone to go with me since it’s for two. I emailed my daughter to see if her or her family want to plan something. I’ll see what she has to say.
Sat Mar 12, 2016
I was planning my free Cruise that I won at the casino last night. I found out it isn't so free. For 2 people for 7 days... Admin Fee $400, Gov Tax/Port Exp/Fees $259. Service Charge $189. Then Travel insurance $58, in case I have a heart attack I want to have someone fly me off that boat fast. Then there is the air fare to Miami. I have a year to take my trip. I asked my son if he wanted to go with me. He said "YES." He was happy about going. It's going to be so much fun going with my son. He can't get off of work again until January of 2017 because some creep shot him in the leg while he was working driving a bus on the weekend for some extra money. He had to take his vacation time so his leg could heal. So we booked our cruise for January 2017. That will give me time to save up. I am 70 now and this is another one of the things on my bucket list that I wanted to do. I wish my daughter could come with us though but it's a trip for two and I don't have enough to upgrade my trip and bring her along too.
May 3rd 2016
I had to make some changes.
Now that I have those new car payments and the increase in my car insurance there is nothing left after I pay all my bills for the month.
I had already paid $717 in taxes and port fees for the free Cruise Trip that I won at the casino
Some How Everything Always Works Out
Sunday, March 6, 2016
The President and Mrs Reagan Had Class
I am so sad to hear about Mrs. Reagan passing away. I always
liked her. Her and President Reagan had a Heart and had Class.
Back in 1987, I was
going through some hard times. I was alone with no one to talk to so one day I
wrote to Mrs Reagan about everything I was going through. I didn’t expect
anything but to my total surprise she had read my letter and responded by
sending me a note and her picture. I wish they were both back in the White
Thursday, February 25, 2016
CNN Presidential Debate
CNN Presidential Debate
I hated this debate. 1. Everybody talking over one another. 2. The constant verbal fighting was a turn off for me. 3. And I would have reached into the TV and strangled the person who kept ringing that bell if I could.
The best line was from Carson; "Will somebody please attack me for some thing?" LOL.
CNN Presidential Debate
I hated this debate. 1. Everybody talking over one another. 2. The constant verbal fighting was a turn off for me. 3. And I would have reached into the TV and strangled the person who kept ringing that bell if I could.
The best line was from Carson; "Will somebody please attack me for some thing?" LOL.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Republican Presidential Candidates for 2016
Feb 10th 2016
I have been undecided for some time. Then I finally picked
Chris Christie but now that he has dropped out of the 2016 Presidential race I
am right back here were I started from. I will vote for the Republican Party who
ever it may be. I just don’t see anybody that I like. I never thought Trump
would get this far. I certainly don’t want anybody from the Democratic Party
getting into the White House that’s for sure.
So Far:
The Republican Presidential Candidates for 2016
1. Donald Trump
2. Ted Cruz (Dropped Out)
3. John Kasich (Dropped Out)
4. Marco Rubio (Dropped Out)
5. Ben Carson (Dropped Out)
6. Jeb Bush (Dropped Out)
6. Jeb Bush (Dropped Out)
7. Jim Gilmore (Dropped Out)
8. Carly Fiorina (Dropped Out)
9. Chris Christie (Dropped Out)
10. Mike Huckabee (Dropped Out)
11. Rand Paul (Dropped Out)
12. Rick Santorum (Dropped Out)
13. George Pataki (Dropped Out)
14. Lindsey Graham (Dropped Out)
15. Bobby Jindal (Dropped Out)
16. Scott Walker (Dropped Out)
17. Rick Perry (Dropped Out)
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Someone Shot My Son Today
If anything has convinced me to get my Carry and Conceal License it’s now because of a phone call I just got from my son.
My son drives a party bus on the weekends to pick up some extra cash. It was around midnight last night while waiting to load up the people in his bus when he said he heard what sounded like firecrackers. He suddenly realized that someone was shooting a gun. He ran for cover but was shot in the leg. “Oh MY GOD,” I said to him. He said the bullet was a round nose bullet that went right through the calf in his leg. Thank God it wasn’t a hollow point bullet or hit any of his vital organs or I would have been going to his Funeral.
Of all the things that I thought would happen to him like driving Gasoline tanker trucks and such, It never even entered my mind that he would get shot. He called me this morning and said his calf muscle was sore. He told me it felt like when you get one of those Charlie Horse’s in your leg. He said he would be alright. I wanted to go out to Iowa were he lives to help him but he told me, “No, I will be fine Dad.” He has his sister living close by so I called her and told her to watch over him for a couple of days.
This afternoon I went and signed up for the Carry and Conceal classes. They said it would take a month or two before I get my License.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
I Can Not Come Back To Cardiac Rehab Anymore
Back in March of 1995 at the age of 49, I had
a heart attack and had a double By-Pass. I didn’t think I was going to make it
at the time but someone must have been watching over me.
When I had recuperated from my surgery my
Cardiologist sent me to Cardiac Rehabilitation and I Started Phase 2 - May 23rd
I didn’t
want to die so I kept going 3 times a week. I felt secure knowing that the
nurses were right there in case something went wrong.
Then I graduated and began Phase 3 - Sept 1st
1995. I was getting stronger. Now I was able to get around better.
After I finished stage 3, they said I could
keep going to Cardiac Rehab, so I did. For the next 20 years Alexian Brothers
Hospital let me stay and I worked out 3
times a week in Cardiac Rehab. There were a few times when the nurses sent me
up to the emergency room because I was getting these rapid palpitations or what
I call “skipped heart beats.” I was sure glad I was in Cardiac Rehab with the
Now after going to Cardiac Rehabilitation 3
times a week at Alexian Brothers hospital for 20 years suddenly they decided
that I could not come anymore. I was devastated. I wrote to the President and
CEO of Alexian Brothers Hospital in Elk Grove Village in Illinois and explained
to him that I couldn’t afford to go to a community fitness center.
To: John
Werrbach, CEO/ President
Alexian Brothers Hospital
800 Biesterfield Road
Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Dear Mr. Werrbach
My name is
William Kaufman age 70. I am in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Class at Alexian Brother's
Hospital in Elk Grove Village. Recently I received a letter from the Facilitator
of Cardiopulmonary Rehab that says that I have to find another place to
exercise because of cut backs. I had a heart attack and a By-pass in 1995 and
have been going to Cardiac Rehabilitation 3x's a week since 1995. I am below
the poverty level and I am on Alexian Brothers Assistance. I can't afford to go
to a commercial exercise program. I don't know what to do. Cardiac Rehab has
kept me alive and healthy and I don't want to end up sitting in my apartment or
I'll end up getting another heart attack if I do. Is there any way you can help
me and let me stay at Cardiac Rehab at Alexian Brothers.
Here are two
posts about myself that I wrote in my Blog about my heart attack and going to
Cardiac Rehabilitation.
Thank You,
Well you can see the response I got from The President
and CEO of Alexian Brothers hospital in the letter at the top of this post. I
have been looking around for a fitness center but I can’t afford any of them. After
the engine in my car blew up at Christmas, I went out and leased a car JUST so
I could get to my Cardiac Rehab class. Now I don’t have the Cardiac Rehab
anymore. It’s the 19th of January today and I have until the end of
the month and then that is it. The hospital won’t let me come back anymore. I
don’t know what to do.
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