Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I Can Not Come Back To Cardiac Rehab Anymore

   Back in March of 1995 at the age of 49, I had a heart attack and had a double By-Pass. I didn’t think I was going to make it at the time but someone must have been watching over me. 

 When I had recuperated from my surgery my Cardiologist sent me to Cardiac Rehabilitation and I Started Phase 2 - May 23rd 1995.
I didn’t want to die so I kept going 3 times a week. I felt secure knowing that the nurses were right there in case something went wrong. 
 Then I graduated and began Phase 3 - Sept 1st 1995. I was getting stronger. Now I was able to get around better. 

 After I finished stage 3, they said I could keep going to Cardiac Rehab, so I did. For the next 20 years Alexian Brothers Hospital let me stay and  I worked out 3 times a week in Cardiac Rehab. There were a few times when the nurses sent me up to the emergency room because I was getting these rapid palpitations or what I call “skipped heart beats.” I was sure glad I was in Cardiac Rehab with the nurses.

 Now after going to Cardiac Rehabilitation 3 times a week at Alexian Brothers hospital for 20 years suddenly they decided that I could not come anymore. I was devastated. I wrote to the President and CEO of Alexian Brothers Hospital in Elk Grove Village in Illinois and explained to him that I couldn’t afford to go to a community fitness center.   

To: John Werrbach, CEO/ President
      Alexian Brothers Hospital
     800 Biesterfield Road
     Elk Grove Village, Illinois

 Dear Mr. Werrbach

My name is William Kaufman age 70. I am in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Class at Alexian Brother's Hospital in Elk Grove Village. Recently I received a letter from the Facilitator of Cardiopulmonary Rehab that says that I have to find another place to exercise because of cut backs. I had a heart attack and a By-pass in 1995 and have been going to Cardiac Rehabilitation 3x's a week since 1995. I am below the poverty level and I am on Alexian Brothers Assistance. I can't afford to go to a commercial exercise program. I don't know what to do. Cardiac Rehab has kept me alive and healthy and I don't want to end up sitting in my apartment or I'll end up getting another heart attack if I do. Is there any way you can help me and let me stay at Cardiac Rehab at Alexian Brothers. 

Here are two posts about myself that I wrote in my Blog about my heart attack and going to Cardiac Rehabilitation. 

 Thank You, Sincerely
William Kaufman

 Well you can see the response I got from The President and CEO of Alexian Brothers hospital in the letter at the top of this post. I have been looking around for a fitness center but I can’t afford any of them. After the engine in my car blew up at Christmas, I went out and leased a car JUST so I could get to my Cardiac Rehab class. Now I don’t have the Cardiac Rehab anymore. It’s the 19th of January today and I have until the end of the month and then that is it. The hospital won’t let me come back anymore. I don’t know what to do.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry that you are going through this right now. I know the feeling. I am struggling with finances also. My car was stolen and it needs to be repaired and then my washing machine broke down and to even come and look at it, the repairman charges an exorbitant fee. Not that happy with what's going on.

    Jeffery @ New Dawn Treatment Centers
