Saturday, October 16, 2010

What About Making A Video?

   It's Saturday and the Sun is shinning. When I woke up, I looked at the forecast. It said that it was going to be 72 degrees outside. It also showed that after today the temperatures were going to go down hill from here. I just couldn't waste one of the last warm days by staying inside. I thought about going to the casino but I got a call from my two girl friends saying that they wanted to know if I would like to meet up with them for lunch tomorrow. "Yeah," I said. We always have a good time together, I like them. So now that we were going to a restaurant, I couldn't take the risk of losing all my money at the casino. That would really suck if I blew that.
 After the girls called, I was browsing around on the internet and saw Oprah's web site. I saw where you can create your Own Channel, telling your stories and express your passions through video.

I thought about it and wondered if I could take these stories that I have been writing with all the photos and do it in a video format. So I decided to go over to the nature preserve and see if I could do something like that.

When I got to the forest, I started thinking about the video as I walked down the tail.

When I got to the farm

I saw Duke and Prince over in their corral so I went over to say hi to them. I found out that they both like to get scratched behind their ears. Prince started poking his nose in the pockets of my leather jacket. I think he was trying to see if I had anything for him to eat. Those two horse are so nice and friendly.

Over by the barn I saw that the cows were out. They aren't very friendly and they smell bad. I like them better on my dinner plate. "I'll order the fillet waiter." Of course the cows do give milk and they make Ice Cream out of that, so maybe I"ll have the ice cream first and then the fillet later.

 After watching the cows, I headed into the woods. I stopped at this fence. My mind was still on the video and how I would make them. I put my camera on the fence post and set it to video. I got into the picture and started talking. Well after a couple of minutes I reviewed what I had done. It turned out that I had chopped my head out in the shooting. There was no where I could set the camera up. Next time I'll have to bring a tri-pod with me. But by then there will be snow on the ground.

 I walked thru the trails still trying to find a place to set the camera up.

 Along the way, I found a couple of more memorial benches.

I continued down this one trail that I had never seen before. I came across this little old shack. I have no idea what they used this for. We used to build our own forts but this would have been great to have as a kid.

I found some poison Ivy. At the time I didn't know what it was. I just thought is was a pretty red leaf. Then I saw a sign a little later with a picture of it. I also went on the internet to check it out and sure enough, that's what is was. I'm sure glad I didn't touch it.

I saw another bench and sat down on it.

I relaxed and stared at all the beauty in the forest around me. My mind went back to the videos again. Besides the tri-pod, I'm going to need some video editing software. Oprah's web site has an editing page where you can put the video together but I'll still have to get one of my own. This sounds like it's getting too complicated. Maybe I'll just stick with my blog and the photos. I'm having a lot of fun doing this anyway.

 I headed back to the farm and back to my car.

I was glad that I didn't go to the casino today. I had a nice walk and enjoyed the forest.

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