Friday, August 28, 2015

The Republican Presidential Candidates for 2016

The Republican Presidential Candidates for 2016

1. Donald Trump "WON"
Ted Cruz  (Dropped Out)
3. John Kasich (Dropped Out)
4. Marco Rubio (Dropped Out)
5. Ben Carson (Dropped Out)
6. Jeb Bush (Dropped Out)
7. Jim Gilmore (Dropped Out)
8. Carly Fiorina (Dropped Out)
9. Chris Christie (Dropped Out)
10. Mike Huckabee (Dropped Out)
11. Rand Paul (Dropped Out)
12. Rick Santorum (Dropped Out)
13. George Pataki (Dropped Out)
14. Lindsey Graham (Dropped Out)
15. Bobby Jindal (Dropped Out) 
16. Scott Walker (Dropped Out)  
17. Rick Perry (Dropped Out)  

Those are the Republican candidates for President in 2016. That's a lot. 

I am still undecided. I really don't find any of them that interest me. But I have crossed a few off my list.

Trump, I can't see him as president. he' too gruff. Oh he wants to be president alright as long as he is on top of the polls.
but that's not going to last and he will end up dropping out. He is entertaining though, I'll give him that much.

Ben Carson, He is a nice enough person but has no experience in governing. It took him his whole life to become a brilliant surgeon. What makes him think that he is qualified to be president? He doesn't have the experience. Just like Obama who never had any experience and look what happen to this country because of him.

Rand Paul, I don't agree with his foreign policies. 

So those are the three that I have crossed off my list so far. I have to watch the Debates and maybe someone will stick out in my mind but so far I don't see anybody in the running that I care for.

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